Instrument Rental

Current offerings - Books

I have recently acquired a collection of books on the subjects of stringed instruments and music. Please call or email for current price and availability.

12. Bows & Bow Makers Retford, 1964 $110
13. Joys & Sorrows, Casals, Kahn $25
14. Glory of the Violin, Weihsberg, 1973 $35
15. Encyclopedia of the Violin, Bachmann, 1966 $30
22. The Violin & Old violin Makers, Clark, Reeves reprint, $30
23. Structure & Preservation of the Violin, Otto, 1875 $40
24. The Violin, How To Make by A Master of the Instrument, White, 1880 $20
25. Violin & Cello Building & Repairing, Alton $25
26. How To Repair Violins & Other Musical Instruments, Lawson $25
27. The Violin, Brodhouse, Reeves reprint $35
28. The Violin-Famous Makers & their Imitators, Haro 1887 $35
30. Violin Making As it was & Is, Heron-Allen, 1885 $100
31. Fiddlers Folley & Encours, Echanffler, 1942 $10
36. The Violin, George Inbourg, 1852 $25
37. Violins & Violinist, Farga,1951 $25
39. Value of Old violins, Polonasky, 1912 $25
40. Chats on Violins, Raester,1905 $25
41. Showcase of Musical Instruments, Bonzanni, 1964 $25
47. Les Archets Francais, Vatelot, 2 vol $3500
48. The Great Violinists, Campbell, 1981 $25
50. Musical Instruments Thru The Ages, Baskner $25
57. The Art of Violin Playing, Flesch, 2 vol 1930 $15
58. Violin Identification & Price Guide,Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Ehrhardt $55 each volume. SOLD
59. The American Violinist, $15
60. The Art of Violin Playing, Geminiani, Facsimile copy $25
62. The Techniques of Violin Playing, Courovisier, 1896 $15
64. The Donnier Principles of Violin Playing, Lexard, 1949 $15
65. The Technique of The Violin, Schalz, 1900 $15
66. Motion Study & violin bowing, Hodgson, 1958 $15
67. Sensory Motor Study & The Application to Violin Playing, Palzanes & Marks $15